One of the most popular first-person shooters of all time is back, and it's a whole lot prettier than you remembered.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was originally released in 2007, and in the new Remastered version, the story remains the same, but everything has been updated to utilize newer system capabilities.
Players are immediately thrown into the action when a radical executes a world leader, sparking a civil war in Russia. You play as a few different characters during the main story— some may be part of the U.S. Marines, others part of the British SAS. The game takes you to various locations throughout Russia, UK and the Middle East, where you take down every type of terrorist that comes your way.
The gameplay is nothing new when it comes to a Call of Duty-first person shooter. Controls and weapons are generally the same, but with a few tweaks here and there. One of the most important things to look for in a game of this franchise is how well the story brings you in. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered allows you to revisit your favorite missions, but with an even nicer shine to it.
Another version, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, is being released at the same time; Infinite Warfare is the newest version in the franchise, takes place in the future, and uses much more intense technology and weaponry.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered will throw you into a time machine to 10 years ago, demonstrating why the fan base fell in love with the series so many years ago. It is a great feeling to start a mission and remember how excited it made you feel the first time around. It is a fun experience, even if it may remain just a flashier version of the older game. Beautiful, crazy, dark, and a whole lot of bullets.
Verdict: 8/10