
It looks like Sonos is toying with a way to permit at least limited control of its systems from smart watches using Android Wear, like the LG G Watch R, or Motorola Moto 360.

Related: LG G Watch R review

The possibility of the remote control function was first mentioned in Android Wear Support, where some users were noting that they could control basic functions of the speakers, like pausing a track, and navigating back and forth among songs. Unfortunately there’s no volume level control yet. It seems Sonos is testing such functionality as part of its beta program.

Android Wear is great for offering a personalized experience in a smart watch – download only the apps you want to use, making every watch essentially different from the next. Sonos control could add value to devices in the Android camp, which will need as much ammunition as they can get once Apple’s highly-desired Watch hits the market early next year. By the way, it looks like a Sonos lock screen widget for iOS devices might also be in the works. This would, of course, work with the iPhone and iPad, though it wouldn’t be surprising if Apple Watch controls were on the radar eventually as well.

Related: Google Hints at iOS support for Android Wear

As for Android Wear smartwatch Sonos control, it’ll make for a convenient way to manage music playback without having to grab your smartphone or tablet – a quick tap on the wrist can quickly bypass a song, or replay that favorite tune. And it’ll add another level to the smartwatch to make it even smarter.

Sonos Image via: Robert at ask.sonos forum