
This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," October 19, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: You know, I'm just -- I'm sitting here, and we're going to do a week on your freedoms are slipping through your fingers, especially freedom of free speech -- I was just sitting here looking at these two.

Why is it that the press spent a week covering two phrases, two things that Rush Limbaugh did not say that had massive financial consequences to him? Yet they spent a week covering that. It was everywhere. Yet no one is really covering what this woman did say about this dirt bag. Why? Why is that? Is there no one in journalism that will stand up to these people -- no one?

Back in June, this woman, she's the White House communications director, Anita Dunn. She was a graduation speaker for the St. Andrews Episcopal School in Potomac, Maryland. That's a high school.

Her speech at the Washington National Cathedral, she said that her two favorite political philosophers are Chairman Mao and Mother Teresa. It, as you can imagine, outraged some parents. One of the parents has agreed to speak out to the program, but they asked us to distort the voice and to not show his face.

You have to listen carefully at the beginning. It's hard because we've distorted the voice so much, it is hard to understand at the beginning. Watch and take a look.


"CONCERNED PARENT," HEARD ANITA DUNN'S GRADUATION SPEECH: It is interesting. The cathedral, as you know, is a very echoey chamber. The organ sounds great in there but human voices do not sound very good.

And -- so I ask my wife, she mentioned Mao and Mother Teresa, I looked at her and my wife has much better hearing than I do. I said, "Did I hear what I think I heard?" And she said, "Yes." And I said, "What does she say exactly? I want to make sure I heard the wording correctly." And she described it to me sort of casually, paraphrasing it.

But from that moment on, I thought I'm going to listen as intently as I possibly can to the rest of what she says. And I basically -- what's the word -- my heart kind of sunk is really what it was. And it was mixed emotions of, you know, being really proud of my son who is getting out of high school, and moving on to bigger and better things, and just wanting to enjoy that day to the max, you know, with family and friends and all of that, and then -- but having this sunken heart feeling of, you know, why did she go there? You know, what's this about?

So, I'm always interested in giving people the benefit of doubt. So, I said, you know, maybe this is really separating, you know, the method from the madness. And I said, no, what would you -- would you say, you know, that's Nazi in 1944, they are making really attractive lampshades.

No, she wouldn't go there, you know? She just wasn't doing it.

There was no irony. There was no sense of humor. It was a sober- minded speech. There was one tiny little bit of laughter, but I would describe that laughter as nervous laughter when she first used Mao and Mother Teresa in a sentence together.

I hope they're not taking away any message at all that Mao had anything valuable to offer in the way our culture is run and the way our society behaves itself, because he was, after all, one of the 20th century's three greatest mass murders.

A lot of people quote Mao or use his name in reference to one thing or another. I've never heard anybody in this country say that he was, you know, one of their most admired political philosophers, never. It's entirely different context there and that's obscene.

Mao would have preferred to silence the opposition by putting a bullet to the back of the head. There are subtle ways to do it, and I think we're seeing it right now.


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