
This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," January 25, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Tonight, the Natalee Holloway investigation is moving beyond Alabama into neighboring states. Aruban police are talking to the teenagers who were with Natalee the night she disappeared, and they are tracking them down at colleges across the country.

Natalee's stepfather, Jug Twitty, joins us live from Birmingham. Welcome, Jug.


VAN SUSTEREN: Jug, so any idea what states are involved? These students, I suspect, are spread out all over.

TWITTY: I'm not sure. I think there's, like, four states. I know a lot of the Mountain Brook kids go to several different schools.

VAN SUSTEREN: We are told — at least, we have heard, I should say, that there have — 21 students who are being interviewed by the Aruban authorities. Is that what you hear, as well, 21 students?

TWITTY: I think that's correct.

VAN SUSTEREN: Have you had a chance to talk to any of these students, or has Beth talked to them after they've — at least, any of them have spoken to the Aruban police?

TWITTY: No, I haven't, Greta. But I promise you, you know, whatever, you know, the Aruban authorities are asking, everybody is cooperating. You know, I just think it's overdue for them to come over here and do this investigation. And I guarantee you, every one of the students from Mountain Brook are more than happy to answer any questions they have.

VAN SUSTEREN: When you say it's overdue, did someone drag his or her feet? For instance, were the Aruban police sort of slow to get here, the students unwilling to talk? I mean, on January 24, or 25, whatever it is today, why are we having this conversation and not having this last July or even June?

TWITTY: That's a great question. I don't know, Greta. I mean, it's a great question. This should have been done eight months ago. I mean, I don't understand why they didn't come two weeks, at least, after, you know, Beth and I went down there and found out what was going on. Why didn't they question them then? I promise you, the Mountain Brook kids were so interested in what happened and trying to help find Natalee that they would have flown back to Aruba to answer questions, if they'd asked them to do that.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did any of the students ever go back to Aruba during the summer and even participate in any of the searches?


VAN SUSTEREN: Not at all?


VAN SUSTEREN: Do you have any questions of these students, I mean, at all? I mean, like, what are questions you would pose to them?

TWITTY: You know, I've have talked to a lot of students and I've talked to a lot of Natalee's friends. They came over to Beth and I and talked to us and told us about it. And they're very open. I mean, they're not trying to hide anything. They want to try to help find Natalee. They will do anything. Anything the FBI asks them, they will answer the questions.

You know, you need to go back and ask the three people that we believe that are involved, four people maybe, ask them the same questions. I think they should be as open as the Mountain Brook kids are. They'll answer any questions. You know, you ask Joran, Satish and Deepak and Paulus van der Sloot, they won't answer any questions. The answers are there, they're not with the students in Mountain Brook.

VAN SUSTEREN: What is your sense, Jug, of this trip over here to the United States? Is it a good faith effort to investigate by the Aruban police, or is this just show?

TWITTY: No. You know, it's a good faith effort. And I just wish it had been done a lot earlier. I hope they rule out everything. I think they can ask any question they want to ask, the questions will be answered. And then they should go back and they should make the decision, you know, as to what to do over there, arrest the students — or arrest the people we think are involved or, you know, end the case.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, Jug, I mean, you and I have talked many times on this. I sense increasing frustration, which I can understand, in your voice. Is it at an all-time high now, or do you thin that — do you think it is possible this will be resolved or solved?

TWITTY: Well, I hope it's going to be resolved. I tell you, you know, this week has been unbelievable, Greta. I mean, Beth, bless her heart — the only reason I'm here with you tonight, because I love you to death. You've helped Beth, and I'm here to support Beth. She's a very strong woman. I think every woman in the United States looks at Beth and says, Man, I hope I have the strength and courage that that woman has. She's awesome. And she's going to find an answer one way or another.

You know, I think it's great that everybody is talking about this. It's renewed interest. They have a lot of searches going on over there. I know Tim Miller's going over there to help us. John Kelly's helping us. And I'm just thankful that, you know, that there is renewed interest and that, finally, Aruba is, you know, stepping up and, hopefully, trying to help us find out what happened to Natalee.

VAN SUSTEREN: In sort of private moments, though, what do you and Beth say to each other about this investigation?

TWITTY: We pray together. We talk about it. You know, it's been tough. She's traveled all over. And You know, I have my business and continue to try to focus on that. But Beth is a determined woman. I love her to death. And as I say, she gives courage to every woman out there.

And I hope that something's going to come out of this. You know, they can ask any question they want to ask of the Mountain Brook kids, and I hope they get every answer they want and they go back and do something about it because Beth is determined, and I know that she will spend the rest of her life, you know, traveling across the country to every high school and every open forum that will have her, and you know, giving her message. You know, I just hope Aruba does something about it.

VAN SUSTEREN: Jug, just the pain is immeasurable and indescribable, isn't it, on the family, not only missing someone but just what you go through, the hell you go through.

TWITTY: It is. It absolutely is — it's hard to describe, you know, especially — we need some closure. We need the help from Aruba. The answers are there. They're not in the United States, they're in Aruba. So I hope they get everything they want here, and I appreciate them coming here and I know Beth does, too. So get everything you want from here and go back and give us the answer.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Jug. Thank you.

TWITTY: You're welcome.

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