This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," Mar. 9, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.
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SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: And so what ready happened between Paula Jones and Bill Clinton? Well, we may finally have the answer. Paula Jones recently appeared on the new television show, "Lie Detector (search)," which airs on the PAX TV network. Now, she was asked some very important questions. Let's take a look.
DR. ED GELB, POLYGRAPH EXPERT: Did President Clinton, when he was governor of the Arkansas expose his private parts to you?
GELB: Unrelated to this matter, did you ever provide false information verbally or in writing?
GELB: Did President Clinton, when he was governor of Arkansas, expose his private parts to you in a hotel room?
HANNITY: So what were the results? Here you go.
ROLONDA WATTS, HOST OF "LIE DETECTOR": You have come on "Lie Detector" to prove once and for all that former President Bill Clinton sexually harassed you. We asked you the following relevant question: Did President Clinton, when he was governor of Arkansas, expose his private parts to you in a hotel room? To which you answered yes. The lie detector has determined you are telling the truth, the truth.
JONES: I knew it.
HANNITY: Paula Jones now joins us from Little Rock. You seemed very happy that was corroborated. Tell us what you were feeling.
JONES: Well, I was really scared. I knew it happened but that is so intimidating taking a lie-detector test on live TV. And I did not know the results until that moment. I was so scared. Because I thought, what if it went haywire? Do you know? — The machine or something. But I was relieved, and it was just a wonderful feeling.
HANNITY: All right. Here it is, this long period of time after. Why did you want to do this, Paula?
JONES: Well, I mean, his book had just come out, you know, and it was "My Life," I think it was. But I consider it being "My Lies." And for one thing, he didn't talk about it very much, as though it never even happened in his life. And I felt like this was kind of like a bang, you know, to go against his book to let people know that I was telling the truth, once and for all.
HANNITY: I guess the point is, even though he was impeached — and if there's no Paula Jones, there's no impeachment — held in contempt, suspended law license, all of these issues involved him. And I know people forget this. But none of that would have happened if it weren't for Paula Jones, steadfastly holding on to the truth and confronting him, the president of the United States. When all is said and done, are you glad you did all of this?
JONES: Yes, because I know I was telling the truth. And I had nothing to hide. And, once and for all, I hope the world realizes that I was telling the truth and I wasn't just making it up.
HANNITY: Yes. At some point, would it be something you would want him to finally acknowledge? Because I guess we have waited a long enough time. He is never going to do that.
JONES: No, I don't believe he ever will. I mean, it would be nice for him to go, and sit in that chair, and hook himself up, and, hey, he can prove it, you know. I mean, I proved that I was telling the truth. And he would prove that he would be a liar.
HANNITY: Alan, are you there?
COLMES: I'm here.
JONES: Hi, Alan.
COLMES: Paula, do you — I want to pick up on one of the questions Sean asked, why you did this. I mean, do you feel as though the American public doesn't believe you and you still have something to prove?
JONES: Yes, I felt like they didn't. I felt like all of the American people did not believe me because of the things that were said about me, and said that people would say that it was just for the money, and it wasn't about the money. It was about what he did to me. And I knew I was telling the truth. And a lot of people thought I was lying about it.
COLMES: All right, but do you believe — there are a lot of people. I mean, we can debate whether or not lie-detector tests, or whether these conditions, or whether these questions really bring out — I mean, this is still an area of controversy, whether or not lie-detector tests really tell you anything. Do you truly feel vindicated by this television show?
JONES: Absolutely! I mean, I told the truth, and I did it on national TV in a lie-detector test. And maybe it's not admissible in a court of law, but it is — I told the truth. And it would have showed up if I was lying. I would never, ever agreed, ever agreed, to do something like that if I had known I was lying.
COLMES: We didn't see all the questions. Now, did they ask a question, for example, and you probably would have said no to this, about whether or not, whatever happened in the hotel room was mutually consensual? Was that one of the questions?
JONES: I don't recall, really. I mean, honestly, I don't recall. There was a lot of questions.
COLMES: And, of course, you would say that, no, if anything did happen that you were not a party to it, not have wanted anything to happen, and that you claim that what happened in that hotel room was something you did not want to occur?
JONES: Oh, no, absolutely not. But you're trying to turn it around on me, Alan, and I'm not going to let you do that.
COLMES: I'm not turning it around. I just want to know...
JONES: Yes, you are.
COLMES: ...if every relevant question was asked during this lie-detector test.
JONES: I don't know. You can call him up and ask him, if he is willing to tell you. But I don't recall if that was one of the questions or not. But I was really drilled. And I had a lot of questions asked to me.
COLMES: Now, if the answer were the opposite, that you were not telling the truth, would you be here tonight to talk about it?
JONES: Yes, I guess.
HANNITY: Hang on, Paula. We will come back, and we'll find out what Paula is doing with her life when we get back.
Also, Alan has a big announcement...
HANNITY: ...about a big interview that's coming up on this program. And that's straight ahead.
COLMES: We now continue with Paula Jones.
Do you have any regrets, Paula, about what has happened?
JONES: No, I don't. And it's behind me now. And I've moved on with my life. And, like I said, I knew the truth would come out eventually. And as far as I'm concerned, it has.
COLMES: You say it's behind you. I know you want to move on with your life, and that you had said you were going to go away, didn't want to be famous, or, you know, continue the 15 minutes.
JONES: I'm not.
COLMES: But you went on a show like this which, of course, continues the conversation about it.
JONES: Well, only basically to let people know that I was telling the truth. That's brave thing to do. I mean, if I was lying, you know, I could have set myself up for a lot of trouble. Hey, I knew I was telling the truth, so I wanted to go ahead and do this. It was nothing wrong with that at all.
COLMES: So what are you doing these days?
JONES: I'm a stay-at-home mom. And I have got three boys. And I have a 15-month-old. And I'm going to real estate school.
HANNITY: Paula, are you still recognized everywhere you go?
JONES: I mean, a lot of places, yes, absolutely I am. It never ceases to amaze me, actually.
HANNITY: Do you like that?
JONES: Doesn't bother me, because everybody is really nice to me. As long as they're nice to me, it doesn't bother me.
HANNITY: Yes. And you're going to be selling real estate. Maybe we can get Alan — more property for the Counter-Clinton Library. Good to see you, Paula. Thanks for being with us.
JONES: OK, thanks.
COLMES: All right, Paula. Thank you very much for being with us.
HANNITY: All right, Mr. Colmes.
COLMES: And yes, tomorrow night, I will actually — I'm going down to D.C. tomorrow. I'll be interviewing one of your good friends, Sean, Robert Byrd, Senator Byrd, the second-oldest senator ever.
HANNITY: Will you ask one question just for me?
COLMES: No. But thank you for asking anyway.
HANNITY: I would love just one question with this guy.
COLMES: I know what you want to know.
HANNITY: I just got one question.
COLMES: I know what you want to know.
HANNITY: Just one.
COLMES: But we want to do the interview. So we will — I think you will be pleased with what we talk about tomorrow.
HANNITY: Well, we will see. I'm not the biggest fan. —It's like interviewing Ted Kennedy to me, but I'm going to watch.
COLMES: Well, I'm glad to know you're watching "Hannity & Colmes."
And we will be doing that on tomorrow night's show, our exclusive with Robert Byrd.
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