Hannity: Obama, Biden freed new Taliban leaders
Fox News host Sean Hannity weighs in on the formation of the new Afghan government
Fox News host Sean Hannity reacted to the Taliban unveiling the names of its top government leaders Tuesday officially recognizing itself as an Islamic emirate – four of the appointees were released from Guantanamo Bay by then-President Obama in 2014 in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl.
"These radical Islamists are holding our fellow Americans hostage" the "Hannity" host opened in his Wednesday monologue.
"Once in prison at Guantanamo Bay, freed in exchange for a former Army deserter by Biden and Obama … Bowe Bergdahl pleaded guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy and now four out of the five Gitmo detainees who were exchanged for Bergdahl, they are in leadership positions now atop the new Taliban government," said Hannity.
The host pointed out the Taliban's foothold on American hostages and blocking them from leaving the country. He also noted the Taliban is sending death squads door to door, hunting for anyone that helped America in the last two decades.
Hannity referred to a speech given by Donald Trump in 2015 – before he became president – in which he blasted Obama over the negotiation for Berghdal.
"The people negotiating it don't have a clue", said Trump. "Our president doesn't have a clue, he's a bad negotiator. He's the one that did Bergdahl. We get Bergdahl, they get five killer terrorists that everybody wanted over there. We get Bergdahl, we get a traitor, we get a no-good traitor, and they get the five people that they wanted for years. And those people are now back on the battlefield trying to kill us."
Six years later, Hannity affirmed Trump was right. "During his announcement speech, then-candidate Trump predicted that this Bergdahl Taliban prisoner swap…would end in a disaster", he said.
"We're seeing the devastating consequences of his incompetence," Hannity said of the current president. "Biden vacationed while Afghanistan collapsed, American military equipment was plundered, and now America weeps over the lives sacrificed due to Biden's surrender."