Nicolas Cage stars in new apocalyptic-thriller 'Left Behind'
Movie tells story of biblical rapture
It’s the beginning of the end of the world as we know it, and only the believers will be saved. Based on the best-selling novel by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, "Left Behind" debuted this past weekend as a reboot of Kirk Cameron’s 2000 adaptation of life after the rapture.
Although the term “rapture” is not biblical, the theory is scripture-based. The Rapture theory states that non-believers will be left behind to endure the tribulation period. Most bible scholars believe that the tribulation will last for seven years, until Christ returns to set up his Earthly kingdom.
I was hesitant at first to see this film. As a devout Christian, I often think about the end of days, and what that will look like for me, and my loved ones.
I saw the trailer a few days before the release, and it didn’t look like something that would leave me with a warm feeling afterwards.
I was right. Although it was devastating to watch it unfold, I thought it was an incredible depiction of what that day might be like.
Nicholas Cage played the lead, Rayford Steele, who is an unfaithful husband, and failing father. We meet daughter, Chloe Steele (Cassi Thomson), in the JFK airport terminal, as she has just flown home from college to surprise her dad (Cage) for his birthday.
Despite the sentiment, her dad, a commercial airline pilot, decides to leave for a previously scheduled flight to London.
About three hours into the flight, children and some adults vanish, leaving only their clothing and jewelry behind. This sets the other passengers into a panic, as well as Cage, whose co-pilot also vanishes.
Meanwhile, Chloe and young brother Ramey are at a shopping mall when the event occurs, and Chloe responds frantically when she sees her brother’s clothes and backpack on the mall floor. The story follows her journey through that horrible day as she discovers what lies ahead for those who were left behind.
This film does not end happily, but it hit really close to home in several ways. The New York City backdrop alone was enough to make me feel connected, and also the idea: what will life be like for those who get left behind.
From my Christian perspective, I was scared. Although I have a strong faith, the unknown is frightening. I have become so comfortable with my life here on Earth, that it excites but terrifies me to think about leaving.
The exciting part is to get to see my deceased parents and family members, who I believe are in Heaven.
The terrifying thing is to leave people I love to suffer in 7 years of darkness.
I think that whether viewers think this film was of value or not, it still raises a very serious question. Are you ready?
That is left to our own interpretation. I believe there will come a day that some are saved, and I want to be ready.
Will you?