Travel 6 hours ago Flight passenger 'finally' rejects seat-swap request, triggers social media debate A flight passenger said they denied a flyer's request to switch seats and sit next to her husband, sparking a debate about seat swappers. An etiquette expert weighs in.
Crime 15 hours ago Texas man arrested in American Airlines groping incident, banned from flying on planes A North Texas man is accused of groping a 22-year-old woman on an American Airlines flight last week, his third such accusation in recent years, according to court documents.
Travel 20 hours ago Flight passenger, 106, says airport personnel continue to flag her age: 'Not some stupid old lady' A Texas woman, 106, says she gets repeatedly asked by airport personnel to prove her age whenever she goes through security checkpoints before flying to Florida.
Opinion 1 day ago To keep the skies safe, the FAA needs a makeover In our FAA Safety Review Team report, we rang the bell as loud as we could to draw attention to the urgent need to address the staffing, technology and funding of the system.
Travel 1 day ago Flight passenger says traveler sent $150 over Venmo in swap for aisle seat A flight passenger says a fellow traveler who wanted to sit next to his friend paid $150 through Venmo to switch a middle seat for an aisle seat. Social media users joined the debate.
Travel 3 days ago Flight passenger says dog barked 'nonstop' during 8-hour flight, sparking debate among travelers A Reddit user is sparking a debate over traveling with pets after a dog was barking nonstop during an eight-hour flight from Paris to Newark, New Jersey. Social media users weigh in.
Travel 4 days ago Flight passenger slams 'sneaky' travelers who vape in airports: 'You aren't fooling anyone' Flight passengers have apparently been catching travelers red-handed as they vape inside airports before boarding. A travel industry expert and social media users weigh in.
Airlines 6 days ago Orlando airport stops Southwest Airlines plane trying to take off from taxiway instead of runway A Southwest Airlines flight was stopped in Florida after the aircraft tried to take off from a taxiway instead of a runway in Orlando, officials said.
VIDEO March 21 London's Heathrow Airport closed all day after fireball explosion Fox News' Alex Hogan reports the latest on the closure and the global travel implications for one of the world's busiest airports.
Travel March 21 Flight passenger says 'entitled' seat swappers should put their money where their mouths are An airline passenger is taking to Reddit to call out flyers who try to swap for a seat that they didn't pay for. An etiquette says "no one has the obligation" to switch.