
An Illinois accountant was thrust into duty for the Chicago Blackhawks on Thursday night, suiting up as the emergency goalie when the team's regulars were felled by injuries.

Scott Foster stepped in between the pipes for the Blackhawks and stopped all seven shots he faced in the final 14 minutes of the team’s 6-2 win over the playoff-bound Winnipeg Jets.

Foster is part of a group of recreational goalies who are on hand for Chicago’s home games in case of emergencies for either team. Any normal day, Foster has a meal and sits in the press box to watch the game. He was needed Thursday because the team was down Anton Forsberg and Collin Delia.

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Blackhawks players gather around Scott Foster after the team's win Thursday night. (USA Today Sports via Reuters)

“This is something that no one can ever take away from me,” Foster said. “It’s something that I can go home and tell my kids and they can tell their friends...Just a ton of fun.”

Forsberg was expected to start the game but got hurt during a “pregame ritual” and Delia exited the game with 14:01 left because of cramps, Blackhawks coach Joel Quenneville said.

Foster received a big cheer from the more than 20,000 fans in attendance after he denied a Tyler Myers shot in his first minute of action.

“The initial shock happened when I had to dress. I think you just kind of black out after that,” Foster said.

Foster, a married father of two who lives in Oak Park and plays in multiple recreational hockey leagues, may have given the Blackhawks their brightest moment of the season.

Chicago sits in dead last in the Central Division with a 32-36-10 record and will likely miss the playoffs for the first time in nine seasons.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.