You gotta admit, Jonathan Villar and his Houston Astros may not be very good, but they sure are fun.
Villar, a .249-hitting rookie shortstop already gave us perhaps the highlight of the year with his butt-slide earlier this month against the Reds. And on Tuesday, he gave us another beauty. But what do we call perhaps the worst bunt attempt in baseball history? You can also see the video here .
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Villar isn't the first player to miss a ball on a bunt. And we've seen players get a jump on trying to lay down a drag bunt. But only Villar could drop the bat before the Yu Darvish pitch gets to the plate and miss the ball by what looks like a good foot. He would go on to strike out for the first of three times on his way to an 0-for-5 night in the Astros' 3-2 loss to the Rangers .
But amazingly (or perhaps not so amazingly), this isn't the first time Villar has tried this. He did this last month.
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But clearly, nothing beats this.