Christian writer says apocalypse is near
Doomsday writer says, based off the Bible and Egyptian pyramids, Planet X will collide with earth on September 23
The end of the world is starting this fall, according to a doomsday writer and researcher.
David Meade, author of “Planet X: The 2017 Arrival,” has predicted that Sept. 23 will bring “a magnificent sign in the skies over Jerusalem, a historical event signaling an upcoming ‘Tribulation Period’ of seven years.”
He also asserted that a “Planet X” will cause the “greatest catastrophic infliction of life upon mankind, since Noah’s Ark,” – citing the biblical story of a great flood that wiped out much of the Earth and humanity. The Planet X will cause volcanic eruptions, a short stoppage of the Earth’s rotation, change in climate, tidal waves and earthquakes.
Read on for a look at who Meade is and when he predicts the world to end.
So when does he say the world will end?
According to Meade’s website, Sept. 23 is not actually the end of the world, but the day that “a magnificent sign in the skies over Jerusalem” will appear that will be “a historical event signaling an upcoming ‘Tribulation Period’ of seven years.”
The tribulation period in Christianity is considered to be the seven year period when the anti-Christ comes into power and God’s wrath is released on those still on Earth.
“I don’t know when the Rapture will happen. I expect nothing to happen in September,” Meade said.
However, the writer also opined that the seven-year “Tribulation Period” will begin on Oct. 15, citing the use of astronomical calculations and the book of Revelations in the Bible as his sources.
“October is the month to watch! The major signs that converge on September 23 are indeed amazing, but those are celestial events. They are time markers. The mainstream media states that something visible will occur on these dates. I don’t believe that,” Meade said.
“The actual event of the beginning of the Tribulation occurs on October 15. That’s when the action starts,” he continued. “Hold on and watch – wait until the middle of October and I don’t believe you’ll be disappointed.”
What are his religious beliefs?
Meade said on his website he was raised Catholic.
“Catholics believe the Bible. We were taught the Book of Revelation is true,” Meade said. “The Popes believe it is true. Protestants know it is true – it is taught in Sunday school. This is not ‘new information.’”
In an interview with the Washington Post, Meade denied that he has ever called himself a “Christian numerologist.”
What is his educational background?
Meade told the Washington Post that he studied astronomy at a university in Kentucky. However, he declined to say which school for “safety reasons,” the Washington Post reported.
A biography of Meade on a Planet X News website said he went to the University of Louisville.
What does NASA say about ‘Planet X’?
NASA debunked claims that another planet is putting Earth in imminent danger and called claims of “wayward planets” such as Planet X “an Internet hoax.”
If Planet X was “real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye,” NASA said. “Obviously, it does not exist.”