
Former Clinton lawyer Lanny Davis suggested Sunday that newly-hired Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani should be dismissed, following his statements related to the Stormy Daniels scandal.

“I think Rudy Giuliani has to be replaced,” Davis told “Fox News Sunday.”

Davis, who was special counsel to former President Bill Clinton in connection with his “inappropriate relationship” with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, argued Giuliani must go because he spoke publicly about conversations with Trump about the payout.

Former Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen had argued that he paid Daniels from his own pocket and had not been reimbursed by the president.

The president, prior to hiring Giuliani last week to try to conclude special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, had denied knowing about the payment.

However, Giuliani said shortly after his hiring was announced that Trump indeed repaid Cohen. And he seemed to contradict himself about whether the payout was a campaign expenditure, amid speculation that Mueller is looking into potential Trump campaign finance violations.

Giuliani also has seemed to contradict himself in saying the October 2016 payout was to save Trump's family from embarrassment and that it was to keep the campaign from being destroyed just days away from Election Day.

“I think that there's at least an argument that by speaking publicly about a conversation with the president (Giuliani) becomes a fact witness on a crucial question” regarding whether the $130,000 was perhaps a loan or a re-imbursement, Davis said.

“That's a fact that needs to be questioned in front of a grand jury on the issue of whether it was a political contribution,” he also said.

Trump, who has denied a tryst with Daniels, on Friday suggested Giuliani needs to "get his facts straight" about the payment.