Chappaquiddick: The Kennedy Cover-up
Paid Content: Radio host Howie Carr explores some of the unanswered questions of the Chappaquiddick incident and Ted Kennedy’s cover-up.
After his brothers were tragically assassinated, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy had to carry the weight of his family’s political ambitions. It was expected Ted would run for President, but the car accident we know as Chappaquiddick changed everything.
In the above video, radio host Howie Carr explores some of the unanswered questions of the Chappaquiddick incident and Ted Kennedy's cover-up. He is the author of "Kennedy Babylon: A Century of Scandal and Depravity." Carr wrote the forward for the new re-release of Leo Damore’s book, "Chappaquiddick: Power Privilage, and the Ted Kennedy Cover-up."