
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer made what one Twitter user called "the worst argument for net neutrality ever" Wednesday when he attempted to pull off a sly reference to the hookup euphemism "Netflix and chill."

The tweet in question was part of a thread in which Schumer argued against the repeal of so-called "net neutrality" rules which govern customer access to apps and websites.

"Without #NetNeutrality when a couple is streaming their favorite #Netflix show but it keeps lagging and killing the mood, who will be to blame?" Schumer wrote.

The message had been retweeted 209 times as of Wednesday afternoon, but had garnered 550 responses -- many of them mocking Schumer.

"Please leave this one to people who understand the issue, Chuck," wrote user Lukas Simonis.

Don Stewart, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's deputy chief of staff, ribbed Schumer, saying "you might want to get your Twitter password back."

Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch was one of many who tweeted an image of actor Steve Buscemi trying to pass as a high school student in an episode of "30 Rock." Hatch's spokesman, Matt Whitlock, responded from his personal account, saying "I've felt gross about this tweet for hours."

The Federal Communications Commission repealed net neutrality in December. Democrats in Congress are attempting to undo the repeal and a group of attorneys general for 21 states and the District of Columbia filed a lawsuit last month in an effort to block the repeal.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.