Rpt: Clinton ignored call to fire aide accused of harassment
According to the New York Times, Hillary Clinton shielded faith adviser Burns Strider after co-worker accused him of sexual harassment; reaction and analysis on 'The Five.'
The former manager of Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign said Monday that Clinton "overruled" recommendations that she dismiss one of her advisers who was accused of sexual harassment.
Patti Solis Doyle told CNN that Burns Strider's behavior was investigated at the time and "the people involved in [the investigation] believed that he should not be working in our campaign."
Solis Doyle also said that she believed Clinton had "made the wrong call" by keeping Strider on board.

Patti Solis Doyle, pictured here, said she believed Clinton had "made the wrong call" by keeping Strider on board.
"It wasn't an easy call," she added. "Firing a high-profile person on the campaign would have certainly made news and caused a distraction."
The New York Times reported Friday that Strider, Clinton's faith adviser, was accused of sexual harassment by a female staffer. The alleged harassment by Strider included inappropriate touching, kissing and sending suggestive emails. Despite being retained by the campaign, the Times reported that Strider was ordered to receive counseling and had his pay docked, while his accuser was transferred to another job on the campaign.
Clinton responded to the Times story on Twitter Friday, saying that she was "dismayed" about the allegations against Strider and was "heartened the young woman came forward, was heard, and had her concerns taken seriously and addressed."
The former secretary of state added that she called the woman who accused Strider last Friday and told her "what all women should: we deserve to be heard."
In response, Solis Doyle told CNN, "I wish she had said it was the wrong call" to keep Strider on the campaign. She also said Strider should leave his post as president of the liberal American Values Network.