
President Trump has deported fewer illegal Mexican immigrants in 2017 than President Obama did during the same amount of time for 2017, according to data from the Mexican government.

Roughly 152,000 Mexican nationals were deported from the U.S. between January and November, Bloomberg reported, citing data from Mexico’s Interior Ministry. More than 200,000 were deported between January and November of 2016.

An ICE report concluded that the lower numbers were due to an overall decline in undocumented immigrants apprehended at the border – 17 percent less than 2016.

Even though the removal of undocumented immigrants are comparatively less under Trump, the ICE report showed that arrests of all immigrants were up in fiscal year 2017.

One of Trump’s key campaign promises was a harsh crackdown on illegal immigration and to build a wall along Mexico’s border.

Trump also temporarily ended the Obama administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which prevented people who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children from being deported.

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