
Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski reveals an intense, often bare-knuckled yet successful 2016 White House bid, fueled by McDonald’s fast food and lots of ego, in his forthcoming book “Let Trump be Trump.”

“Sooner or later, everybody who works for Donald Trump will see a side of him that makes you wonder why you took a job with him in the first place,” writes Lewandowski and co-author David Bosse, another top campaign aide, according to a review of the book by The Washington Post. “His wrath is never intended as any personal offense, but sometimes it can be hard not to take it that way. … It’d break most hardened men and women into little pieces.”

Lewandowski would know.

He led Trump to winning the Republican presidential nomination, only to be muscled out by Paul Manafort, who became the campaign manager in the general election.

And Lewandowski shares an episode in which he says he was so sick that he fell asleep on the campaign plane, only to be awakened by Trump, saying, “Corey, if you can’t take it, we’ll get somebody else.”

The book – which The Post review describes as a “largely admiring portrait” of Trump -- is scheduled for release Tuesday.

Other highlights in the book, according to the review, include:

-- Trump’s dinner order consisting of “two Big Macs, two Filet-O-Fish, and a chocolate malted.”

-- Then-campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks steaming Trump’s suit pants on the plane -- while he wore them.

-- Trump skewering Manafort for saying on TV that the candidate should “tone it down.”

-- Trump purportedly telling the campaign entourage to leave staffer Sam Nunberg at a McDonald’s because his special-order burger was taking too long.