
Despite President Trump's recent support of Roy Moore, the Republican National Committee and the National Republican Senatorial Committee say they are standing behind their decision to cut ties to Alabama Senate candidate.

The two GOP committees have pulled their support from Moore, and recently told The Associated Press they won’t be reconsidering.

Nine women have accused Moore of sexual misconduct and pursuing romantic relationships with teenage girls – one as young as 14 – when he was a district attorney in his 30s.

Dozens of Republican officials in both the House and Senate have called on Moore to withdraw his Senate bid.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell purportedly expressed concern that Moore could drag down other Republican candidates in the crucial 2018 midterm races and ultimately hurt the brand.

“You don’t have to be the most astute to read the exit polls out of New Jersey and Virginia and look at the results around the country to realize women, people of color and voters younger than 40 are moving in a tidal wave against the Republicans. So why would you want, going into 2018, to embrace or be handcuffed to Roy Moore? Why?” Republican strategist John Weaver told The Hill. “At least McConnell and them are smart enough to get that.”

White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway insisted on Monday that Moore is needed in the Senate to help pass the tax reform bill.

However, state officials in Alabama say the special election race won’t be certified until after Christmas, giving Senate Republicans the chance to pass the tax overhaul before Moore or his Democratic rival Doug Jones, is sworn in to office.

Trump has given Congress a Christmas deadline to get a tax deal done.

Moore meanwhile has denied all the allegations against him, and Trump on Tuesday seemed to back him up -- saying "he totally denies it" and blasting his Democratic rival Doug Jones as a "liberal."

In another twist, Moore’s communication director John Rogers resigned.

Rogers’ decision to leave the campaign comes less than a month before the Dec. 12 special election. Moore’s office says the resignation has nothing to do with the ongoing scandal.