Stephen Miller: Extreme media trying to tear down Trump
White House senior policy adviser sounds off on CNN's negative polls on Trump, his heated exchange with CNN's Jim Acosta, the administration's fight to get the RAISE Act and immigration policies passed and Trump as leader of the populist movement #Tucker
So … did he win?
The New York Times is out with a lengthy profile on Trump White House wunderkind Stephen Miller, and already the stand-out anecdote appears to a brief recollection about how the political provocateur once jumped into a girls’ track meet in high school.
The passage reads as follows:
“He jumped, uninvited, into the final stretch of a girls’ track meet, apparently intent on proving his athletic supremacy over the opposite sex. (The White House, reaching for exculpatory context, noted that this was a girls’ team from another school, not his own.)”
Reporters quickly blasted the blurb out on Twitter, rescuing it from being overlooked in an article otherwise focused on his rise from an outspoken conservative at Santa Monica High School to his position now – at 32 years old – as a senior policy adviser to President Trump.
The profile paints a picture that squares with other deep dives into Miller’s past: He was riling his liberal peers from a young age with provocative and sometimes-racially tinged positions (like reportedly objecting to Spanish being spoken at his high school). His rise from aide to then-Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., to Trump confidant was swift.
But the track meet was a seemingly new flourish in the Stephen Miller story.
Curiously, the White House reportedly did not deny it, pointing out only that Miller was not interfering with a team from his own school.
And the article left unclear whether Miller ‘won.’