
Anthony Scaramucci may have been removed as the White House communications director on Monday, but he’s not dead.

According to an alumni directory from Harvard Law School, Scaramucci’s alma mater, the man who led the White House communications team for less than two weeks was reported dead since the previous edition was released in 2011.

The directory included an asterisk next to Scaramucci’s name, implying his death, Fox 25 reported.

The error in the directory, which is published every five years and is available only to alumni of the Ivy League law school, was quickly noted.


"Regrettably, there is an error in the Harvard Law School alumni directory in the listing for Anthony Scaramucci," Harvard Law spokeswoman Michelle Deakin said in a statement. "We offer our sincere apologies to Mr. Scaramucci. The error will be corrected in subsequent editions."

Scaramucci, a 1989 graduate of the law school, was axed from his position only hours after former Gen. John Kelly was sworn in as President Donald Trump's new chief of staff.

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The Associated Press contributed to this report.