Reince Priebus on what lies ahead for House health care bill
White House chief of staff weighs in on 'Fox News Sunday'
White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus expressed confidence Sunday that the Republican-led Senate will now do its part to pass an ObamaCare overhaul measure for President Trump to sign and tried to assure the public that Trump will keep his campaign promise that all Americans will have health insurance under a new plan.
“It’s up to the Senate to make improvements if they’re to be made,” Priebus told “Fox News Sunday.” “Everyone is excited and ready to go to work and take the time necessary to look at the bill. … No one’s going to be beating down their door."
Priebus also said he spoke with several key senators after the GOP-led House on Thursday passed an ObamaCare overhaul measure and that he’s confident about the Senate crafting a measure compatible with the House version that Trump could sign into law.
He said the House version -- which replaces the problematic 2010 health care law known as the Affordable Care Act -- fulfills Trump’s promise to provide comprehensive and affordable insurance to Americans, amid concerns that those with pre-existing conditions will no longer be covered.
“It’s a binary choice between what we know is a collapsing system offering no options, no coverage and getting to a place that is calamitous for Americans across the country, or a system in place that offers coverage, . . . offers lower premiums,” he told Fox. “This president is not going to let you down.”
Trump on Sunday tweeted: "Republican Senators will not let the American people down! ObamaCare premiums and deductibles are way up -- it was a lie and it is dead!"
Priebus also tried to put some muscle behind Trump’s suggestion about a potential government shutdown in September if congressional Democrats continue to try to keep money out of the federal budget for the president’s priorities, including a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
“As far as the fight coming down the pike in September, we’re going to be ready for that fight,” he told Fox News. “And we’re going to make sure that President Trump’s priorities continue.”
He also suggested that House Republicans in next year's midterm elections will be rewarded by voters for changes to ObamaCare, amid Democrats boasting about a wave election in which they'll retake the chamber.
"I believe this is going to be a better product," he said. "And by the time people see that the premiums are lower, there’s a better service, there's more options and more choices, they're going to reward the Republicans that sat up and said, 'We are not going to see the ObamaCare system, which is failing and collapsing, continue any longer."