
Senior policy adviser Stephen Miller reportedly has been tapped to write President-elect Donald Trump’s inaugural address next month.

Politico reports that the Trump team is beginning to sketch the contours of the speech, looking at laying out the incoming president’s first-term agenda. According to the report, Trump is considering including calls for action on education, border security, infrastructure, outsourcing and the economy, and the state of the military.

Miller has been the top Trump speechwriter and largely was responsible for the candidate’s Republican National Convention address, which was heavy on law-and-order themes and presented the country as facing a time of crisis.

Miller also is a former top aide to Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., Trump’s choice for attorney general.

According to Politico, Miller spent part of last week in Mar-a-Lago with Trump and has consulted with a variety of sources as he crafts an initial draft.