
Two former aides to Gov. Chris Christie were convicted Friday of creating an epic traffic jam at the George Washington Bridge for what prosecutors say was political revenge, capping a trial that cast doubt on Christie's claims he knew nothing about the scheme.

Bridget Kelly, Christie's former deputy chief of staff, and Bill Baroni, a Christie appointee to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, were found guilty of all counts against them.

The most serious charges carry up to 20 years in prison. Sentencing was scheduled for Feb. 21.



The federal jury took five days to reach a verdict in the scandal that helped sink Christie's Republican campaign for president.

Christie, who is chairman of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's transition team and one of his closest advisers, has denied any knowledge of the scheme beforehand or while it was going on and has not been charged.

Gov. Christie released the following statement after the verdict:

"On January 9, 2014, I apologized to the people of New Jersey for the conduct exhibited by some members of my Administration who showed a lack of respect for the appropriate role of government and for the people we serve. Those people were terminated by me and today, the jury affirms that decision by also holding them responsible for their own conduct." 

"Like so many people in New Jersey, I'm saddened by this case and I'm saddened about the choices made by Bill Baroni, Bridget Kelly and David Wildstein. Today's verdict does not change this for me."

"But let me be clear once again, I had no knowledge prior to or during these lane realignments, and had no role in authorizing them. No believable evidence was presented to contradict that fact. Anything said to the contrary over the past six weeks in court is simply untrue.

"As a former federal prosecutor, I have respected these proceedings and refused to comment on the daily testimony from the trial. I will set the record straight in the coming days regarding the lies that were told by the media and in the courtroom."

Prosecutors said Kelly and Baroni plotted with Christie ally David Wildstein to close lanes at the bridge and create gridlock in September 2013 to punish the Democratic mayor of Fort Lee for not endorsing Christie for re-election. Wildstein, a high-ranking Port Authority official, pleaded guilty to orchestrating the scheme and was the prosecution's star witness.

Kelly and Baroni testified they believed the lane closings were part of a legitimate traffic study because, they said, that was what Wildstein told them.

The defense portrayed Wildstein as a liar and a dirty trickster — "the Bernie Madoff of New Jersey politics" — and argued that Christie and his inner circle had thrown the 44-year-old Kelly under the bus.

"They want that mother of four to take the fall for them. Cowards. Cowards," Kelly attorney Michael Critchley said in a thundering closing argument.


One of the most damning pieces of evidence was an email in which Kelly wrote: "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee." Then, as the four days of gridlock unfolded and Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich complained about children unable to get to school, she texted: "Is it wrong that I am smiling?"

On the stand, Kelly explained that she was referring to what she thought was a traffic study and expressing satisfaction that it was going well. As for why Kelly deleted the messages, her lawyer suggested she was afraid she was about to be made the scapegoat.

Kelly, Baroni and Wildstein all testified that Christie was informed about the lane closings either before or while they were going on, contrary to the governor's repeated denials.

Wildstein, for example, said that Christie was told about the traffic jam as it was happening and that he laughed and sarcastically joked that nothing political was going on when he learned of Sokolich's distress over not getting his calls returned.

But it was not clear from Wildstein's testimony whether Christie knew the bumper-to-bumper mess was manufactured for political reasons. And Kelly testified that she told Christie the lane-closings were a traffic study when she informed him of the plans about a month ahead of time.

Siding with prosecutors, U.S. District Judge Susan Wigenton told jurors they didn't have to find that Kelly and Baroni knowingly intended to punish Sokolich in order to convict them of conspiracy.

The gridlock at the foot of the nation's busiest bridge — a span that connects New Jersey to New York City — began on the first day of school and held up commuters, school buses and emergency vehicles. Sokolich's pleas went unanswered for four days — on orders from Wildstein, the defendants testified.

At the time, Christie was considered a top GOP presidential contender and was trying to run up a big landslide re-election victory to demonstrate his crossover appeal as a White House candidate.

Christie ultimately dropped out of the presidential race after a poor showing in the New Hampshire primary and said recently that the scandal probably influenced Trump's decision not to pick him as his running mate.

While the trial did not definitively pin the scheme on Christie, it reinforced his reputation among his critics as a bully, with accounts of profane tirades, threats of bodily harm and tough-guy posturing among the governor and his inner circle that seemed straight out of "The Sopranos."

Christie once threw a water bottle at Kelly in anger, she testified. And Wildstein told the jury that Christie called him "Mr. Wolf," after the character in the movie "Pulp Fiction" who is called in to clean up dead bodies.

According to testimony, Christie's office also used the Port Authority to punish or reward local politicians. Among the goodies the agency dispensed were pieces of steel from the original World Trade Center, destroyed on 9/11.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.