
Republican nominee Donald Trump is receiving a $10 million advertising increase from a super PAC that is attacking Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton.

With this late ad buy, Future 45 and a companion nonprofit group are now the top big-money helper for the Trump campaign. Future 45 is led by billionaire TD Ameritrade founder Joe Ricketts and Las Vegas casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson is its largest donor.

On Wednesday morning a new ad will debut throughout the U.S., calling the latest Clinton email scandal a “new bombshell.” The new 30-second ad is directed at the reopening of the FBI’s investigation into Clinton. The ad asks, "How can we elect someone who is under FBI investigation?"

The attack ad opens with Richard Nixon saying "people have got to know whether or not their president's a crook."

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The super PAC’s president Brian Baker acknowledged that the American people need to choose between Clinton, saying her, “entire public career has spawned nothing but federal investigations” and Trump adding that he “will bring real and needed change to Washington."

The super PAC had about $10 million in the bank at the end of September, fundraising reports show. It landed another $2 million in early October and has picked up still more donations since then, Baker said.

Future 45 previously had spent nearly $2.8 million on nationally aired presidential, according to Kantar Media's political ad tracker. Kantar showed that the 45 Committee has aired another $5 million in commercials.

The super PAC has plans to hit the use of Clinton’s private email server in additional commercials. Trump has been mentioning her recent investigation on the campaign trail since the FBI disclosed the information on Friday.

Officials were looking into former New York Rep. Anthony Weiner in an unrelated case and found Clinton emails on his laptop. His wife, Huma Abedin, is a top Clinton aide.

The Future 45 ad comes as the announcement from the Trump campaign saying it would spend $25 million on ads this week as Trump hopes to motivate voters ahead of the election next week.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.