Is Hillary Clinton inching closer to possible indictment?
Former State Dept. staffer who set up her Clinton's email server was granted immunity and FBI investigates whether aides shared passwords to classified info. Catherine Herridge and Rep. Peter Roskam go 'On the Record'
The Clinton campaign, which did not respond to multiple requests for comment before publication, contacted the Washington Free Beacon after the story was published and said the amounts listed were in-kind contributions to the campaign from Clinton.
“Those are in-kind donations from Hillary Clinton, not payments to her. Sorry for the slow response,” said campaign spokesman Josh Schwerin.
The campaign said the FEC requires in-kind contributions to be posted under expenditures and contributions even though no money is being disbursed from the campaign.
Original story below.
The campaign of Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton has made payments totaling six figures to Clinton this election cycle, according to a review of its expenditures.
Federal campaign finance records reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon found that starting in April 2015, the month that Clinton launched her campaign, thousands in payments began flowing to the candidate. Clinton has previously claimed that she and Bill Clinton were “dead broke” when he left the White House, but the two have since amassed millions of dollars in wealth.