
There are new hands at the helm of the IRS targeting investigation and other key congressional probes.

The House Republican steering committee announced Tuesday that Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, will become the new chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Chaffetz takes over for Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who was term-limited.

Under Issa’s leadership, the committee has been a particular thorn in the side of the Obama administration, spearheading the investigation into the Fast and Furious scandal, which eventually led to Attorney General Eric Holder being held in contempt of Congress.

The committee has also played a key role probing the events surrounding the Benghazi terrorist attack, ObamaCare, and more recently, the IRS targeting of conservative groups.

Chaffetz vowed to make the IRS investigation a centerpiece of his chairmanship, too.

"The faith placed in me by my colleagues today is a tremendous honor and privilege. I am fully committed to taking on difficult tasks that a chairmanship requires. I’d like to thank Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader McCarthy, other members of the House leadership team, and my colleagues on the Steering Committee for entrusting me with this important responsibility," Chaffetz said in a statement.

"I have great respect for Chairman Darrell Issa and can’t thank him enough for his many years of dedicated service leading the Oversight Committee. I thank him for the professional opportunities he has allowed me on the committee, and for his personal friendship."

The committee's ranking member Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who notoriously and consistently butted heads with Issa, also issued a statement saying he was looking forward to the passing of the gavel.

"I am hopeful that Rep. Chaffetz will work closely with Democrats to develop our Committee’s agenda for the next Congress, consult closely on our rules and protocols, and address the core issues that go to the center of people’s daily lives," he said.

"I am encouraged that Rep. Chaffetz has shown a sincere interest in working together and focusing on reform, and I hope this bipartisanship continues.”

Earlier Cummings told Fox he hoped the new chairman would, "have hearings that are not just looking for headlines."

Asked specifically about the IRS investigation, Cummings said, "I want to continue to look at it. Whatever we have to do to address the issues and take care of any unfinished business."

Chaffetz beat out Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, Rep. Michael Turner, R-Ohio, and Rep. John Mica, R-Fla. - all of whom had senority.

This wasn’t the only changing of the guard.

The House Ways and Means Committee, also deeply involved in the IRS targeting investigation, will now be chaired by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., who says he is, "committed to making sure that we get to the bottom of it, that we hold people accountable, and we do everything we can to restore trust in government."

Ryan, who takes over for retiring Michigan Republican Dave Camp, said he also wants  to move tax and entitlement reform in the next couple of years -- something Camp, and a long list of previous Ways and Means Committee chairs have failed to do.

A number of other committee chairs were also announced Tuesday. All have to be ratified by the entire GOP conference Wednesday, which is largely a formality.