
Hawaii’s ObamaCare exchange, the Hawaii Health Connector, costs the nation’s taxpayers the most per enrollee, according to a new study by Kaiser Health.

Hawaii’s exchange, which has just more than 8,500 people registered, has a tab of about $23,899 per person.

Former U.S. Rep. Charles Djou, D-Hawaii, noted Hawaii’s enrollment cost is 26 times the national average, 2 1/2 times the cost for the second most expensive state, North Dakota, and considerably more than the national average of $922 dollars per ObamaCare enrollee.

“Government must work to better the lives of our citizens, but ObamaCare clearly fails this promised standard. ObamaCare’s punitive costs and punishing demands hurt, not help, working people,” said Djou, the only candidate running for Hawaii’s 1st Congressional District calling for a complete overhaul of ObamaCare.

According to the study, just 8,500 Hawaii residents signed up for the Hawaii Health Connector, while 150,000 people are needed to make the program self-sustainable.

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