
Liz Cheney, daughter of Dick, sister of Mary (who is gay), is running for Senate in her home state of Wyoming. While she’s challenging Mike Enzi in the GOP primary, her sister is challenging her – online.

Liz is walking that fine sisterly line of loving someone and not approving, one darn bit, how she’s leading her personal life. It’s pretty simple. Mary is married to her gay partner. Liz doesn’t support the idea of gay marriage. Here’s what she said on "Fox News Sunday":

"I love Mary very much, I love her family very much. This is just an issue on which we disagree.”

Huffington Post political reporter Jennifer Bendery sums it up:

So, how much turkey do you think the Cheneys are going to talk at Thanksgiving dinner? Might be more relaxing to just give thanks and pig out.


DC’s insurance commissioner says he was canned by Mayor Vincent Gray after questioning the president’s plan to change the ObamaCare law to let people hang onto their policies -- for having the temerity to say he might not go along with the fix.

Truth or fiction?

NBC News Associate Producer Ali Weinberg tweets her reaction:


A quick look at Rupert Murdoch’s feed shows he’s a jet-setter, meets with bigwigs, talks politics – and a bit of smack.

(This is the obligatory paragraph where I qualify that Mr. Murdoch owns Fox.)

He rarely tweets about religion. But he had something to say after reading this page one Pope piece in the Sunday Times of London.

But then again, since his election earlier this year, Pope Francis is compelling lot of people, many of whom aren’t devout anything, to talk about him. The NewsCorp Chairman is no different.


Alec, Alec, Alec.

It’s hard to feel sorry for you when you keep popping off your mouth with rude slurs. You have an MSNBC talk show! You can’t be calling paparazzi unprintable and homophobic names. You’re Alec, “30 Rock” rock star, Baldwin.

But it seems, you kind of enjoy it.

At least that’s what Politico reporter, Patrick Gavin, uncovered while listening to Baldwin’s recent podcast with Jerry Seinfeld.

Someone has to tell Alec that Batman worked for the good of Gotham, not the good of Batman. And, that if he wants his MSNBC show back after his suspension, he's got to clean up his act.


How’s that famous phrase go? The one about listening is better than talking?

“Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak, and let the earth hear the words of my mouth.”

No, not that one.

Proverbs 17:28: Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.

Close, but not quite.

Hemingway kind of gets it right:

“When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.”

Wait, this famous female orator, also known for her endless stand-up routines about sex and religion, nails it.

Hear that, Washington?