Krauthammer calls Obama Speech
President Obama delivering a speech on Economy while the whole shooting and the investigation was unfolding Charles Krauthammer calls Obama Speech
Charles Krauthammer told viewers Monday on “Special Report with Bret Baier” that President Obama should have waited until Tuesday to give his speech on the fifth anniversary of the financial meltdown -- instead of during an ongoing shooting at the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C.
“The president in that speech was back to hyper-partisan mode. Slashing attack on Republicans, at one point, he's speaking of the Republicans, he said, and some of them are decent, which is quite a remarkable thing for a president to say if you expect cooperation.
"And to do this within minutes of 13 naval employees, brave Americans lying dead, I thought was in extremely bad taste. He could have waited until tomorrow. It isn't as if this is a holy anniversary. He could have spoken later in the week which is the week that marks the fifth year of the crisis."