
A new "apology" Web site pokes fun at radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh and Republican leaders.

The site is set up as an apology letter to Limbaugh. It begins with the phrase, "I'm sorry that I called you," then provides different endings such as "an opportunistic brick thrower" or "an idiot."

At the end of the letter, there is an option to sign it on behalf of Rep. Phil Gingrey, R-Georgia; South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford; or Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele. And there is a text box to put in comments as a postscript.

Democrats have sought to portray Limbaugh as the leader of the Republican Party and stepped up their attacks against him after Limbaugh said he hopes President Barack Obama "fails" at a gathering of conservative political activists last weekend.

Steele was forced to apologize to Limbaugh after he referred to the radio host as an "entertainer" whose show can be "incendiary" when he was asked about Limbaugh's remarks.

Limbaugh seems to be amused by the whole thing. A banner headline across the top of his Web site earlier in the day read: "Hilarious: Democrat Party Launches Yet Another Anti-Rush Website."