University of Tennessee-Knoxville (iStock)
Rocky Top is about to get its freak on.
A student group at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville is hosting “Sex Week” – six days of XXX-rated debauchery that make Mardi Gras on Bourbon Street look like a Sunday school picnic.
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The annual event is sponsored by a campus organization called “Sexual Empowerment and Awareness at Tennessee.” The group wants to promote “sexual health and empowerment.”
The workshops at the event have names too offensive to list here, but suffice it to say they are not the type of educational activities most parents have in mind when they fork over thousands of dollars of hard-earned savings to send their 18-year-olds off to college.
And while many Tennesseans will be attending church on Sunday, university students will be participating in a “Sex Week Carnival” that’s about as far from church as you can get, and instead looks like it belongs in a porn film.
Sweet Lord Almighty, America.
“Tennesseans certainly do not approve of this kind of behavior,” former state Sen. Mae Beavers said on the Todd Starnes Radio Show. “The university does not reflect the values of Tennesseans and I think it’s about time Tennesseans stood up and demanded their legislature defund these things.”
Taxpayers and decent-minded people across the Volunteer State are flat-out disgusted by the raunchy shenanigans.
“The liberal agenda of the leadership at Tennessee is frankly out of control and completely disconnected with the values and concerns of Tennessee taxpayers,” University of Tennessee alum and conservative commentator Steve Gill said on the Todd Starnes Radio Show.
So why in the world would the grownups in charge of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville consent to this sort of public pornography?
A university spokeswoman told me that Sex Week is “organized and funded by students who opt-in for a student fee at the beginning of the year.”
“The speech of the registered student organization is protected by the First Amendment and the Campus Free Speech Protection Act,” spokeswoman Tyra Haag said in a statement.
So who is footing the bill for Sodom and Gomorrah Week?
“No state funds are expended for Sex Week,” the spokeswoman said.
Beavers and Gill are not too convinced – pointing out university officials have been coy on funding.
“To think that our young people – we send them off to school – a public university and they are exposed to all these things – I think it’s ridiculous. I think it’s depraved,” Beavers said. “And I think the Legislature should defund all these things.”
“The leadership of the university is completely embracing this far left, radical agenda,” Gill said.
Even if it turns out that Sex Week 2018 is funded through private donations, it is still being hosted on a campus paid for by tax dollars, Beavers said.
“And Tennesseans certainly do not approve of this,” she added.
It’s as if the state’s flagship university is being run by a bunch of sex-crazed perverts with Ph.D. degrees.
And since university leaders won’t answer my questions, simply referring me to a school spokeswoman, maybe it’s time for the taxpayers to light up the university’s telephones.
In the meantime, college kids might be well-advised to keep their clothes on and steer clear of the Sex Week events. Don’t embarrass your mommas.