
A group of Republican lawmakers in Connecticut said they would not allow themselves to be bullied by a bunch of angry, out-of-town atheists.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation, a Wisconsin-based horde of atheists, agnostics and free-thinkers were outraged after they learned that Republican lawmakers were raising money for the Salvation Army.

“I received a letter from the group and they suggested quite strongly that I should refrain from volunteering from any organization or charity that is religious based,” State Sen. George Logan told the Todd Starnes Radio Show. Click here to listen to the entire interview.

For the past several years, Republicans in the Connecticut house and senate have volunteered their time to ring bells during the Salvation Army’s red kettle drive.

Salvation Army op-ed

But the Freedom From Religion Foundation pitched a hissy fit and fired off a nasty letter to Sen. Logan – obtained by the Connecticut Post.

“We urge you to consider supporting only secular charities in the future,” the group wrote. “This will ensure that representatives do not give the appearance of promoting an overtly Christian mission and will prevent citizens from feeling ostracized by their elected representatives because of their religious beliefs or sexual preference.”

I just can’t imagine people infected with such a deep-seated hatred of Christianity.

What kind of a vile human being would find pleasure in watching people go hungry for Christmas or watching a homeless child shiver outside in the cold?

“Their whole premise is I should not work with any organization that has any religious ties because it may offend someone in the community,” Sen. Logan told the Todd Starnes Show.

The money raised by the bell ringers funds a variety of Salvation Army ministries – from homeless shelters to addiction programs to providing warm coats for children.

Sen. Logan dismissed arguments from the Freedom From Religion Foundation that helping the Salvation Army was a separation of church and state issue.

“It doesn’t mean lawmakers like myself are supposed to turn our back to our faith. That is not the intent,” he told the Todd Starnes Show. “It’s utterly ridiculous. The purpose of ringing those bells is to raise money for the needy.”

So Sen. Logan did what any red-blooded, freedom-loving American would do.

“I decided to ring even more bells for the Salvation Army,” he defiantly declared. “We’ve raised more money than ever now – thanks to all the attention.” (A development that is certain to curdle the atheists’ egg-nog.)

He has also received correspondence from the good, church-going people of Wisconsin – who are irate at the FFRF troublemakers.

“They want it to be known that not everyone in Wisconsin is against the Salvation Army,” he said.

So here’s to Sen. George Logan – an American patriot. He rang the Salvation Army’s bells and he jingled the atheists’ bells.