This film publicity image released by Warner Bros. Pictures shows Henry Cavill as Superman in "Man of Steel." (AP Photo/Warner Bros. Pictures, Clay Enos, File) (WARNER BRO2013)
The Man of Steel has now become a propaganda tool for the defenders of illegal aliens.
In the most recent issue of Action Comics, Superman comes to the rescue of a group of illegal aliens -- under attack from a white guy wearing an American flag bandana and waving around a machine gun.
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The man is reportedly infuriated because the illegal aliens took his job, Hollywood Reporter reports.
Superman swoops in and blocks the bullets meant for the illegals.
"Stop this!" Superman says.
"Why?!?" the American man replied. "They ruined me. Stole from me!"
Instead of rounding up the illegals and flying them back to where they came from, the Man of Steel snatches the white guy and with a menacing look snarls, "The only person responsible for the blackness smothering your soul -- is you."
Remember when Superman stood for truth, justice and the American way? Then again, Clark Kent is technically an illegal alien – a native of Krypton.
I reckon it's only a matter of time before DC Comics unleashes other superheroes in its corporate quest to defend the alien invaders.
So don't be surprised to see the Flash rushing Mexicans across the border or Wonder Woman using her lasso to round up Texas ranchers trying to defend their property.
It's unfortunate that DC Comics is turning its stable of iconic heroes into political pawns – hell-bent on indoctrinating our kids.