Easter is the most important day of the year for Christians.
On Easter, Christians around the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Christians believe that Jesus Christ was crucified, died, and was buried; and that Christ rose from the dead – that all may have eternal life with God the Father in heaven.
At the heart of Christianity is this act of God’s love for humanity. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16
As we commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we should remember the many threats facing Christians today.
Christianity is under siege on two fronts. On one front, it faces a growing secularism, which seeks to place human desires ahead of God and His will.
On the other front, radical Islamism seeks to destroy Christianity across the globe.
We were reminded of this just days ago on Palm Sunday as Coptic Christian churches in Egypt were attacked and Christians were killed. This Easter we should remember and pray for those who lost their lives in these heinous attacks.
It is horrifying to watch the spread of ISIS around the world. It is equally horrifying to see Boko Haram’s treatment of Christians, especially young Christian women, in Nigeria, and to witness the countless atrocities committed by radical Islamist groups.
But in the face of this evil, we remember the words of Saint John Paul II, who throughout his papacy urged us to, “Be not afraid.”
In his book, “Crossing the Threshold of Hope,” John Paul II reminds us that we have been redeemed. “The power of Christ’s Cross and Resurrection is greater than any evil which man could or should fear,” he wrote.
Easter Sunday is a good day to reflect on the words of Saint John Paul II and remember that the Son of God overcame death so that we may be saved through faith in Him.
No enemy can threaten this gift from Jesus.
We wish you and your family a blessed Easter.