The “American Diner” in Liverpool, N.Y., may be the most politically incorrect diner in the Empire State – and possibly the nation.
The “American Diner” is a gun-toting, beef-eating, Constitution-loving establishment owned by Michael Tassone.
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Mr. Tassone is a no-nonsense God & Country fellow who takes pride in Old Glory and his signature “Animal Burger” – made from 24 ounces of “American Love.”
“We talk religions and politics and we encourage people to carry their guns,” Mr. Tassone told me. “The Second Amendment protects all the rest of them.”
They also encourage folks to say Grace.
“ If people don’t like it – they can go to Denny’s,” he said.
And just so diners aren’t caught off-guard, they post their talking points on the menu.
? We don’t like political correctness or special interest
? If you really don’t like America – LEAVE
? Actually, I did build MY business
? Everyone doesn’t get the same size trophy
? Gov’t and taxes are the problem
And these days Mr. Tassone is especially upset with the government.
On Dec. 31, 2015, the state of New York implemented a new minimum wage for tipped workers. Wages increased from $5 to $7.50 an hour.
“It’s absolutely killing us,” Mr. Tassone told me. “My payroll has gone up over $21,000. We have to find a way to pay for that.”
It’s a problem facing family-owned restaurants across New York, reports the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. Many have been forced to pass along the additional costs to their customers.
“I had to lay off a worker and I have to work 103 hours a week,” he said. “I just have to try to take on additional time and hours to make it work.”
And he also decided to poke a bit of fun at New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and President Obama by naming a new breakfast special in their honor.
It’s called the “Dictator Obama/NYS Special (King Cuomo)”.
The breakfast includes two eggs and a slice of toast for $3.59. The tax is $27.99.
“We took a good jab at them,” he said.
As you might imagine, the Obama special isn’t exactly selling like hot cakes.
“If they really want to pay that much for two eggs and a piece of toast, we’ll sell it to them,” he said.
Mr. Tassone illustrated how difficult it’s becoming to run a business in America. There’s only so much you can tax consumers.
On the other hand, a sandwich named after the first lady is one of the diner’s hottest items.
It’s called, “The Anti-Michelle Obama, Don’t Tell Me What to Eat or Feed My Kids Burger.”
It’s a 16-ounce beef patty with bacon and cheese – along with a side of fries.
He might want to throw in a pack of Rolaids, too.