Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers a speech at Texas Southern University in Houston, Thursday, June 4, 2015. Clinton is calling for an expansion of early voting and pushing back against Republican-led efforts to restrict voting access, laying down a marker on voting rights at the start of her presidential campaign. (AP Photo/Pat Sullivan)
Asked Tuesday if she had wiped her server to delete the emails she had sent while serving as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton should have said “yes” or “no.” Instead Clinton was evasive.
She first pleaded ignorance, stuttering “I have no idea.” Fox News’ Ed Henry pressed her, saying, “You were the official in charge of it. Did you wipe the server?” Clinton then tried sarcasm: “Like with a cloth or something?”
Pushed a third time, Clinton said, “In order to be as cooperative as possible, we have turned over the server.” The truth is that it wasn’t up to her whether to cooperate. She was compelled to do so by an FBI investigation.
Clinton also said, “We turned over everything that was work related, every single thing.” Except that has been proven false. A former adviser, Sidney Blumenthal, turned over to the House Select Committee on Benghazi at least 15 emails he sent to Clinton about Libya that were not among the messages she provided to the State Department.