Samantha McConnell, 46, has been told to say goodbye to her young children after being diagnosed with two different cancers. (SWNS)
A single mom who spent over $15,000 on IVF to have miracle twins is preparing to say goodbye to them after being given weeks to live with terminal cancer.
Samantha McConnell, 46, became a mom aged 40 when her daughter Grace was born thanks to a $13,000 course of fertility treatment.
Three years later she gave birth to Grace's non-identical twin brother Rory from the same frozen embryo.
But the miracle mom will soon have to say goodbye to her children, now aged 5 and 2, after being told she has primary pancreatic cancer and secondary liver cancer.
The cancer was revealed on a CT scan just a few weeks ago, on September 7, but the cancer is too advanced for any surgery or chemotherapy.
McConnell's life expectancy is just six to eight weeks - with her children being given the devastating news that their mom will die soon.
And tragically, RAF veteran McConnell faces the extra worry that her pension will not transfer to Grace and Rory on her death - as she joined the RAF in the 1990s under their old pension scheme.
McConnell, from Lincoln, gave a life of service to the RAF in the intelligence specialization, traveling the world on many operations.
But she is now having to crowdfund to ensure her children - who will go and live with McConnell's cousin after her death - are supported.
"I don't intend to give up without a fight and doing lots of positive mantras," she said. "I am going to dye my hair pink and spend my remaining days all boho in a kaftan, shouting 'Yeeha', watching funny movies, laughing, cuddling, singing, going through photos and days out if I'm up to it."
And in a heartbreaking message to friends and strangers alike, she added: "Go out there, have fun and smile, live for me, do anything."
"Anything you've fancied doing but have put off doing, do it now! The crazier the better," she said. "Make sure you've written your will, tell people how you feel, love them."
"Don't do runs and raise money for charity, instead offer your time, spend time and listen to friends, neighbors and strangers," she said. "Whilst in the hospital I've heard scared people crying themselves to sleep despite having all the medical care and medicine."
"A friendly person offering their hand and just an ear to listen to them, does so much for their mental and physical recovery and does for anyone not just in a hospital situation," McConnell added. "Having someone listen helps. Smile at a stranger, say hello you may be the only person who speaks to them that day. If you see something nice about someone compliment them on it. Love and hugs to you all, NAMASTE XXX"
Tributes to McConnell have poured in from devastated friends, describing her as "such a vibrant and energetic, fun-loving person - full of energy and love."
"Your strength in all this really is just, well, superhuman. You are actually Wonderwoman," one friend wrote.
"Sam you are one amazing lady. I have so much respect and admiration for the way you are handling a situation no one should have to be faced with," another one wrote. "Keep fighting. Love and prayers."
Friends and RAF Colleagues have rallied around, to help make McConnell’s last days and weeks with her family as precious as possible.
Friends have rallied around, donating money for Grace and Rory.
A$1,000 target was quickly smashed in less than a week, and the amount raised has now topped $20,500, with more donated everyday.