Dawn Muhammad went on a secret journey to lose weight so that she could qualify as an organ donor for her dad. (Fox 5 Atlanta)
An Atlanta woman on a 16-month life transformation has revealed that the true cause behind her 70-pound weight loss was her goal to become a kidney donor for her ailing father.
Dawn Muhammad, who hired a personal trainer in December 2016 to help her achieve her goal, broke the news to her parents at a family gathering recently, Fox 5 Atlanta reported.
Muhammad’s father, Lucious Daniels, has stage four kidney failure and undergoes dialysis twice a week. Muhammad had discovered that her blood type made her a potential donor match, but at the time her body mass index (BMI) prevented her from being considered.
In April 2018, her transformation made her eligible, and she clued her dad in. On July 2, she received the call that she was a perfect match, Fox 5 Atlanta reported.
“I was at work and I received that phone call,” Muhammad said. “It was 9 in the morning when I got the call, and the first thing they said was ‘You are a perfect match with your father, you are a perfect match.’”
Daniels and Muhammad are scheduled to go under the knife on Aug. 31.
“I’m very thankful to be able to help my father have normalcy in his life,” she told the news outlet.