An Israeli woman who was originally cleared for cancer after a routine breast exam says the TV show “Grey’s Anatomy” compelled her to return to the doctor— which ultimately saved her life, the Times of Israel reported.
Sarit Fishbaine, 34, a marketing director from south Israel, watched the show about six months after her first breast exam and felt the episode had an important message for her. In the episode, the fifth in the third season of the series, a young mother arrives at Seattle Grace Hospital to have a mastectomy done after doctors mistook her breast cancer for milk collecting in her breast.
“I couldn’t fall asleep that night — it felt like a huge warning sign,” Fishbaine told Yahoo Parenting. “I had stopped nursing a few months prior and my breast tissue had softened up, but there was definitely a lump on my left breast.”
Fishbaine sought a second opinion with a separate specialist the next day, and the doctor sent her for an urgent mammogram and biopsy, which revealed she had developed stage 3 breast cancer that spread to her lymph nodes, TimesOfIsrael.com reported. According to the American Cancer Society, stage 3 breast cancer has a five-year relative survival rate of 72 percent.
After undergoing chemotherapy, radiation and a mastectomy of her left breast, Fishbaine was completely cleared of the cancer, the news website reported.
Fishbaine told her story on her Facebook page on Sunday.
“Television isn’t educational. Television rots our brains. Watching television is a complete waste of time,” she wrote, before explaining her story of watching “Greys” then getting a second opinion on her health. “This is what can happen when you enjoy watching television. So remember— television isn’t educational,” she concluded.
Shonda Rhimes, creator of “Greys,” shared the Yahoo story on her own Facebook page with the caption “Humbling….” The post had nearly 4,960 likes as of Wednesday afternoon.