Priscilla Naccarelli supplied this photo of her daughter Lauren recovering after surgery to donate her kidney to a stranger. (My Fox Philadelphia)
Most kidney donations come from folks who've just died or from living family members or close friends. Not many come from living strangers, just looking to do a good deed but that's what happened Thursday morning.
Priscilla Naccarelli spent her morning at the hospital, a nervous wreck. Her 28-year-old daughter Lauren had just undergone surgery to surrender a perfectly healthy kidney to someone she doesn't know and may never meet.
"It was very nerve-racking. I'm very proud of my daughter. I'm not so nervous and scared anymore. Right now, I just want to be with her and make sure she's getting better," Naccarelli said.
Lauren first raised the idea of donating to a stranger on her Facebook page last summer. The idea, she said, was simple: "I have a strong desire to help people."
The thought that she could save somebody's life is just very important to her. Nearly six months of tests and interviews and hospital visits later, she landed on the operating table for the two hour procedure. Shortly after noon, Lauren reported via Facebook, "Totally tired and confused but I'm out of surgery and doing okay. Thanks everybody."