
"Slow down! Don't eat so fast!"

Like generations before me, I grew up hearing those words. Yet, despite the best of parental intentions, I continued to scarf down my chicken nuggets at a record pace. Until last week, that is, when the nagging reappeared in the form of a "smart" fork.

The $100 HAPIfork vibrates in your mouth when you eat too fast and wirelessly reports your good (or bad) habits to your smartphone. No, this isn't a "Saturday Night Live" parody of a late-night infomercial product. Its maker, Hapilabs, claims the fork will help you eat slower, which in turn will help you curb overeating and lose weight.

And while the fork has it faults, using it for two weeks has challenged me to think more about what I take from my plate.

Click for more from The Wall Street Journal.