
Postings on McDonalds’ employee resources site are warning workers to avoid eating too much fast food – including the kind of stuff served at the golden arches.

"Fast foods are quick, reasonably priced, and readily available alternatives to home cooking,” one post on the site says, according to CNBC. “While convenient and economical for a busy lifestyle, fast foods are typically high in calories, fat, saturated fat, sugar, and salt and may put people at risk for becoming overweight."

The posts, which appear to be designed by a third party vendor, are located in the site’s ‘Health Encyclopedia’ section.

One posting bashes a meal of a burger, fries and soda – McDonald’s staples – as an “unhealthy choice.”

“Eat at places that offer a variety of salads, soups and vegetables to maintain your best health,” the site advises, next a picture of a sub sandwich and salad that looks similar to the fare offered at rival Subway. "Although not impossible it is more of a challenge to eat healthy when going to a fast food place. In general, avoiding items that are deep fried are your best bet."

The site also says “people with high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease must be very careful about choosing fast food because of its high fat, salt, and sugar levels,” according to CNBC.

McDonald’s defended the content in a statement issued Monday afternoon, highlighting the new, healthier menu options that the fast food giant has added in recent years, such as egg whites and fruit smoothies.

"Portions of this website continue to be taken entirely out of context," the statement said. "This website provides useful information from respected third-parties about many topics, among them health and wellness. It also includes information from experts about healthy eating and making balanced choices. McDonald's agrees with this advice."

McDonald’s CEO Don Thompson also defended the company’s food during a shareholders meeting in May, saying “We don’t sell junk food.”

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