
A device firefighters use to help cool their body temperatures may also help a little girl with a rare skin disease.

Four-year-old Cali Ransom from Phoenix, Ariz., suffers from a condition call Ichthyosis, a genetic disorder that results in dry, thick and scaly skin.

“The easiest way to describe it is her body produces skin much faster than you or I, and then she sheds much (more) slowly,” said Donna Ransom, Cali’s mom.

Not only does this cause Cali to be itchy all the time, but it also means she can’t sweat at a normal rate, which causes her to overheat easily.

To help relieve some of Cali’s pain, Phoenix firefighter Luke Anderson showed Cali and her family how to use the Core Control Cooling Glove, in hopes that running cool water over her hand will cool her core temperature as it does for firefighters on the scene of a fire.

The Ransoms will try the glove for 60 days to see if Cali gets any benefits.  If the device works, the family said it could be a life changer for their daughter, who often passes on field trips and other activities with friends because of the significant risk of overheating.

“This is a chance for her to enjoy a few of those activities with her friends and put the glove on and bring the core temperature down,” said Chuck Ransom, Cali’s father. “Maybe not as long as two hours outside; she might only be able to go out for 15 minutes, but that’s something for her.”

For more information, visit Corecontrolcooling.com.