
An advocacy group has called upon several hospitals across the U.S. to evict fast-food restaurants such as McDonald’s from their cafeterias, USA Today reported.

The group, Corporate Accountability International, is leading a campaign called Value [the] Meal, which calls upon McDonald’s to quit marketing to children because fast food is making them sick.

Campaign director Sara Deon said the campaign has been endorsed by almost 2,000 health professionals, according to the newspaper.

“We hear from physicians saying kids come in for their diabetic checkups and they hear parents saying, ‘If you are well-behaved, we’ll take you for a treat at the McDonald’s down the hall,’” Deon said in USA Today.

The letter states: “Moreover, as you are well aware, ballooning health care costs and an overburdened care system make treatment for diet-related conditions more difficult than ever.

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According to the CDC, the U.S. spends roughly $147 billion on medical costs associated with diet-related illnesses each year, and that cost is expected to grow as this generation of children reaches adulthood.

In an already over-burdened health care system, must we continue to perpetuate an epidemic with profound human and economic consequences, when prevention of diet-related disease can help to reverse this trend?”

Click here to read the letter in its entirety.

Deon said McDonald’s isn’t just making money by being in hospitals, it is being portrayed as serving healthy food.

It won’t be an easy fight – many of these fast-food restaurants have contracts with the hospitals.

McDonald’s is currently located in 27 hospitals across the country.

“Today, we offer more variety than ever in our menu, and we trust that our customers will make the appropriate choices for them, their families and lifestyles,” Danya Proud, a McDonald’s spokesperson told NPR.

Other fast-food chains, such as Pizza Hut, Subway, Chick-fil-A and Starbucks are also located within U.S. hospitals.

Click here to read more on this story from USA Today.