
NBC News star Andrea Mitchell is under fire for citing the wrong law when attempting to attack the White House amid its Twitter feud with Democratic Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris.

On Monday, the White House targeted Harris and Warren individually on Twitter, accusing Harris of “supporting the animals of MS-13” and Warren of “supporting criminals moving weapons, drugs and victims across our nation’s borders.”

Mitchell attempted to defend the Democratic leaders, but it didn’t go so well.

“Re: White House tweets attacking Senators: Section 1352(a) of Title 31: No part of the money appropriated by any enactment of Congress shall ... be used directly or indirectly to pay for any ... written matter ... intended or designed to influence in any manner a Member of Congress,” the NBC star tweeted.

Mitchell Tweet

Law & Crime reporter Ronn Blitzer wrote that the statute Mitchell named has “nothing to do” with the situation and “doesn’t even include the language she quoted.”

Former Office of Government Ethics Director Walter Shaub responded to Mitchell’s tweet on Tuesday morning.

“The text of that tweet comes from 18 USC 1913, not 31 USC 1352. And 1913 has been interpreted too narrowly to be useful here,” Shaub wrote.

Blitzer wrote that Shaub “is by no means a fan of the current administration,” but pointed out that the former ethics chief noted “the language Mitchell quoted didn’t match the law she cited.” But “even the correct law didn’t apply, didn’t mean anything in this situation.”

In addition to Blitzer and Shaub, many critics took to Twitter to call out the NBC veteran for spreading dishonest information.

Last month, Mitchell got roasted on Twitter when her own tweet exposed her rooting interest in the dust-up between Trump and the Philadelphia Eagles. After Trump canceled a White House visit from the Super Bowl champs, the Peacock Network's chief foreign affairs correspondent reacted with the cheerleading message, “Fly #Eagles Fly!!!”

Mitchell's hot take stood out because she is supposed to be a nonpartisan reporter for a major network news division. It was far from the first time that she has been accused of openly leaning left.

Mitchell, who is married to former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, and Hillary Clinton are known to be close friends who have publicly praised each other. Mitchell said that Clinton “proved her commander-in-chief bona fides in terms of being tough as a gender issue” during the pregame show for an NBC News town hall event in 2016.

"I love you, Andrea. You are indefatigable. You’re my kind of woman,” Clinton said, while pointing at Mitchell during a 2016 press conference on the campaign trail.

Trump has referred to Mitchell as “Hillary Clinton's PR person,” and White House social media director Dan Scavino once said she was a Democratic "PR person," too.

Earlier this year, the NBC News veteran was criticized for publicly offering advice to FBI official Andrew McCabe after he was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

NBC News did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Fox News’ Adam Shaw contributed to this report.