Kevin Smith ‘Clerks’ director suffered massive heart attack
Taking to Twitter, “Clerks” and “Jay and Silent Bob” film director Kevin Smith revealed that he suffered a massive heart attack. Smith went on to detail his symptoms and share his appreciation or all of the staff and doctors who saved his life.
"Clerks" director Kevin Smith surprised fans Wednesday with a side-by-side photo demonstrating his dramatic weight loss since suffering a near-fatal heart attack back in February. Some said the filmmaker is nearly unrecognizable in the picture.
The 47-year-old revealed he had lost 20 pounds in just 13 days on March 21. As a result, he said his "blood pressure is amazing." He added that he plans to continue his strict diet until he reaches his goal weight.
"My Doc said lose 50 pounds. 20 down, 30 more to go!" Smith wrote at the time.
On Wednesday, Smith looked back at a heavier version of himself taken 10 years ago at the premiere of "Zack and Miri Make a Porno" in an Instagram post, boasting about his self-control and refusal to indulge in buttercream cake at recent AMC event.
"Next time I gotta stare down a meal the old me would’ve inhaled, I’ll look at these two images of me out on control and me under control. It’ll help keep the cake on the plate instead of in my maw," Smith captioned the picture, which received nearly 100,000 likes.
Dozens of people congratulated Smith on his weight loss journey.
"An amazing journey! I hope one day that you may find a balance, so that you may indulge in a healthy and smart way, while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
"My Doc said lose 50 pounds. 20 down, 30 more to go!"
"Every day is a challenge and every day is a reminder that you woke up on this side of the dirt for a reason. Life is precious, and you are doing great," another added.
Some commented that they didn't even recognize him anymore.
"Almost don’t even recognize you anymore! Keep up the good work," one Twitter user wrote.
"Who’s that skinny guy? I don’t recognize him," another replied.
This isn't the first time Smith has gone on a diet. The movie director-producer lost around 90 pounds over seven years before suffering from the February heart attack, Entertainment Tonight reported in 2015.
Smith said he's getting inspiration for his new diet from Penn Jillette's 2017 book "Presto!" as well as nutrition expert Ray Cronise and his program at He's also committed to being a vegetarian, following dietary restrictions similar to his vegan daughter, Harley Quinn, ET says.