Country singer Daryle Singletary died suddenly on Monday at the age of 46. (Courtesy Absolute Publicity)
Daryle Singletary's record label announced shortly after his death that the company would be releasing an unpublished song from the late singer to benefit his widow and four children — but Singletary's business partner is fighting back.
Singletary died suddenly at age 46 on Monday. The cause of death is still unknown but a source told Fox News the family suspects he died of a blood clot.
On Wednesday, Platinum Records Nashville released "She's Been Cheatin' on Us," saying the company was setting up a fund for the Singletary family and would donate 100 percent of the proceeds to the fund.
However, Singletary's business partner Chuck Rhodes told Fox News that not only does no such fund exist, but the single released by Platinum Records Nashville is not a song of the late country singer.
"I want to make it crystal clear that this music being released has not been approved or sanctioned by Holly Singletary, The Singletary Family," Rhodes told Fox News in a statement.
Rhodes said the recording was simply "work for hire where Daryle was paid as a demo singer."
Rhodes, who has worked with Singletary for 21 years, told Fox News the song was "never meant to be released" and does not reflect "the Gold standard that Daryle held himself to."
However, Platinum Records Nashville President Greg Hudik told Fox News the song was part of the final album he recorded with Singletary and was not a demo.
"It's the last thing that Daryle ever recorded, and I wanted the world to hear it. I wanted the family to get the benefit," Hudik told Fox News.
Hudik said his own father died when he was in fifth grade, leaving his mom to "feed six kids." When he heard of Singletary's passing he wanted to help his widow and children anyway he could.
"I wanted to do something for Daryle's family because the last time me and Daryle were in the studio, he told me about his financial struggles and how he was playing weekend to weekend to feed his family," Hudik said.
However, Rhodes said the Singletary family has not been made aware of any fund for the family. He has sent a cease and desist letter to Platinum Records Nashville to remove the song immediately.
Hudik said he is waiting until after Singletary's funeral to set up the fund but told Fox News he will remove the song if "that's what Holly [Singletary] wants."
Singletary was best known for his hit songs "Too Much Fun," "I Let Her Lie" and "Amen Kind of Love."