
After giving an interview about her alleged molestation at the hands of her adoptive father, Woody Allen, Dylan Farrow is taking shots at “Wonder Wheel” star Justin Timberlake over his association with both the director and the “Times Up” movement.

The shade happened on Twitter after Timberlake posted an otherwise innocuous tweet asking fans to explain the expression “You just want your cake and to eat it too.”

“What else am I about to do with cake??” the star joked.

Farrow, however, seized the opportunity to address Timberlake’s support of the “Time’s Up” movement and his involvement with Allen.

“The saying means, for example, you can’t support #TIMESUP and praise sexual predators at the same time,” Farrow said in a response tweet. “You can’t retain your credibility as an activist (i.e. - retain the cake_ and, at the same time, praise a sexual predator (i.e. - eating the cake).”

Timberlake was among the many men at the 2018 Golden Globes to sport a pin in support of the movement for gender equality in showbusiness. However, like Aziz Ansari and James Franco, who have received backlash for what many call their hypocritical support of the movement, it seems Timberlake’s associations with Allen over “Wonder Wheel” are diminishing his support.

As previously reported, Farrow recently sat down with Gayle King of “CBS This Morning” for an emotional interview where she detailed the alleged molestation she experienced at 7 years old.

In a lengthy statement to Fox News, Allen has since denied all of the claims by Farrow alleging that they were a rehearsed attempt by his ex-wife, Mia Farrow, to slander him during their tumultuous custody battle.

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Dylan Farrow speaks with CBS This Morning's Gayle King. (CBS)