
The current season of CBS' "Big Brother" has been plagued with controversy and fans want the network to do something about it.

Contestants have come under fire for inappropriate behavior this season.

The final straw for fans, however, was when contestant Jason Dent made a rape joke during the show's 24-hour live stream Monday.

Dent and his fellow contestant Alex Ow laughed as Dent joked he was going to rape contestant Kevin Schlehuber's wife and force Schlehuber's kids to watch.

"I'm going to tie all your daughters up and make them f--king watch," Dent said through laughter. Ow laughed along with him.

Dent previously made a joke about raping a female housemate earlier this season.

Despite laughing at Dent's joke, Ow became very emotional earlier in August after her housemate Jessica Graf poked her behind. Graf and multiple other competitors have pulled the same move on other housemates throughout this season.

CBS did not return Fox News' request for comment.