
Donald Trump Jr. jumped to his brother Eric's defense after comedian Chelsea Handler mocked Eric's pregnancy announcement.

In response to Eric and Lara Trump's Monday announcement that they are expecting their first child, Handler tweeted, "I guess one of @realDonaldTrump's sons is expecting a new baby. Just what we need. Another person with those jeans [sic]. Let's hope for a girl."

Donald Trump Jr. blasted the comedian's tweet in a lengthy post prefacing it on Twitter calling it a "sick tweet targeted at our family."

"The liberal elite's real hatred is hopefully starting to be apparent to mainstream America. (both right and left)," he wrote on Facebook. "Their whole 'party of tolerance' nonsense only applies if you fully buy into their dogma, and when you don't their true colors shine.


"Attacking the announcement of someone's first pregnancy would seem below the belt to most, but sadly that's no longer the case. As to the "hoping it's a girl" comment, I wonder if she knows that said "jeans" (aka genes) are passed from the same people whether it's a girl or a boy??? Based on what I've seen... probably not. So much for the party of science. #JEANous."

Eric Trump also responded to Handler pointing out her misspelling and revealing they are expecting a boy.

Handler later took to Twitter to apologize for her spelling mistake.

"Sorry about spelling mistake. I meant 'genes,' not 'jeans.' I'm a little stoned. What's your excuse?"